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Hey everyone! I know we’re a full month into 2017, and long past these “new year, new me” posts, but when the new year hit, this idea was born. We wanted our branding to reflect our approach to Video Production in the Washington DC, Virginia and Maryland area. We’ve always taken great pride in how we connect with our clients on a personal level, so we can really understand their vision and develop concepts that fit in with their brand voice. 

We get a lot of great new clients who preface our initial conversation with “I don’t know much about video production, so maybe you can help us with some ideas,” and our answer is always the same: “You are the expert in your industry, don’t feel like you need to be an expert in ours too. We’re here to educate you, guide you, but most importantly, provide an end-to-end production experience, where all you have to do is just press play.”

So when the ball dropped for 2017, we figured it was time for a rebrand to reflect these values, and we knew exactly who to call. The Falcon Lab is our go-to for digital and print design, they’re literally the best. We had a short conversation about our brand and values, I gave some super-obscure direction on what we wanted it to have (I think the phrase we used was “We want a new font, but less fonty….” Why do people put up with us??), and BAM, they knock it out of the park on the first try.

Now we just need to animate ourselves a closing sequence with the new logo, and figure out how many places on the internet still have our old logo on their site, and we’re good to go!

Here’s to exciting time under our new flag!

If you or your company are interested in creating some eye-catching Video marketing content, please feel free to contact us today! We’d love to hear your story, and talk about how we can help!

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